Monday, December 3, 2012

Exploration 12

In the documentary, the thing that seem important to me was raising the animals  the right way instead of the big corporations do. So called it is important to have fresh food not ones that got things in or on it.You have to feed them what they actual need, not dead animal because it helps them grow. You have to let them be free and roam on land not be confined. If you have a lot if species that are confined, you have to give them antibodies so they don't get sick. But you if you have a lot of one species and they are not confined, you don't have to give the antibodies because they are not as close as they would be in a confined area. Just as it says in this quote I took from the movie, "The only way of having so many species is by antibodies." I need more information about fresh food, not so much on the fruit and veggies we eat but the fresh meat that is supposedly better for you.


  1. I agree with how you said we need to raise the animals the right way. I focused on more of the way the meat was packaged and preserved, so it is good to remember that the animals are not being raised right as well.

  2. I agree with you. It made me sick to hear that the big corporations feed their animals dead animal. I would also really like to know the name of a couple companys that sell good fresh meat.

  3. I agree that the animals shouldn't be totally confined. All living things should be considered and met a certain standard of life. To raise animals as if they are already dead is just too cruel for our advanced civilization

  4. I like this post because it ties into what they were talking about in the beginning of the film when they said that we do not think about the meat, and where it comes from or how the animal was raised before it made it to your plate - we just eat. It is sad that we all have been conditioned this way; it is more sad that the conditioning has taken place further back than we may think. Good post!
